Thanks, Lisa Rose, for those simple yet useful tips. Glad you're finally doing better!
compound complex
JoinedPosts by compound complex
Are you affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder?
by compound complex inas i intimate in the words below, i like autumn and winter, but there's a downward spiral in my emotions.
i'm in control, yet, .
rain, at long last, has touched both our land and my soul.
Are you affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder?
by compound complex inas i intimate in the words below, i like autumn and winter, but there's a downward spiral in my emotions.
i'm in control, yet, .
rain, at long last, has touched both our land and my soul.
compound complex
The violent, angry and sullen clouds momentarily give way to the sun. Thongs of crazed, vitamin D deficient humans crowd into the streets for a fleeting glimpse of the brilliant orb. Like a scared child running to hide behind its mother, the sun quickly retreats behind the clouds. The depressed masses, eyes glazed by seasonal affect depression, survey the soggy, moss-covered, decaying landscape, and groan. Obeying their evolutionary instincts, they get in their cars to drive to Starbucks for the drug, caffeine, that is so critical to their survival. With disgust, they observe the ever-present pine needles littering the car floorboards. -- Justitia Themis (8 years ago)
For Smiddy: Cool and Damp
by compound complex ingosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!.
"the black oaks" describes where i live in the california sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow.
nevertheless, we do get both occasionally.
compound complex
Seated in a lounge of cushioned steel, I lean
back and follow my wandering eyes up seven
towering trunks till their limbs and needles mass
as one, hiding rigid shafts that pierce the sky.
Removed from native soil and coastal fogs, I
marvel that dry and hot have harmed us not.
I, too, was born in mist but truly grew though
warmth was scarce and a steely cool prevailed.
Thrive I do amidst a scorching heat, the parching
wind; like these trees, I, somehow, shall survive.
For Smiddy: Cool and Damp
by compound complex ingosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!.
"the black oaks" describes where i live in the california sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow.
nevertheless, we do get both occasionally.
compound complex
How kind you are, millie!
Many thanks.
It’s My Anniversary!
by jp1692 intoday is the four year anniversary of the last time i set foot in a kingdom hall.
it was the day of the kool-aid issue of the wt!
“at that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
compound complex
Kudos, jp!
If that statement wouldn't wake one up, I wonder what could . . .
Best wishes on your journey.
For Smiddy: Cool and Damp
by compound complex ingosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!.
"the black oaks" describes where i live in the california sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow.
nevertheless, we do get both occasionally.
compound complex
Thank you, sparrowdown and jp, for posting -- much appreciated!
The Governing Body's credibility
by UnshackleTheChains ingiven the proliferation of websites, youtube channels, books and other forms of media attention focusing on the extreme policies, teachings and scandals of the watchtower bible and tract society; where does this now leave the governing body's credibility?.
compound complex
G. Loesch, in some courtroom proceeding, stated he was not answerable to the Watch Tower Corporation, a legal entity. From sometime back there was a separation made between the corporate and the spiritual bodies.
I'm sure another poster can find the exact quotation. My 2 cents is a scant memory of what I had read.
For Smiddy: Cool and Damp
by compound complex ingosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!.
"the black oaks" describes where i live in the california sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow.
nevertheless, we do get both occasionally.
compound complex
Smiddy: The picture above is one I painted many years ago, It declares my wonder of and fascination with water and mountains (where I spent my childhood).
Note: I meant in the OP to write Sierra Nevada Foothills.
For Smiddy: Cool and Damp
by compound complex ingosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!.
"the black oaks" describes where i live in the california sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow.
nevertheless, we do get both occasionally.
For Smiddy: Cool and Damp
by compound complex ingosh, smiddy, it's nice to have a request for poetry!.
"the black oaks" describes where i live in the california sierra foothills; we are, for the most part, above the fog and below the snow.
nevertheless, we do get both occasionally.
compound complex
Smiddy: I admit to Split-Personality Disorder; in this tale of youth, I claim to love the fog.
Can you really know a person?
THE PACIFIC COAST was my surrogate guardian. It held both my heart and my spirit within its mighty bosom.
My impoverished family loved and cherished the sea, stretching outward beyond infinity; but it was I, more than the others, who took to the e'er dreary landscape. In a most peculiar manner, the dank surroundings soothed me and enveloped me in crawling mists that were more welcome to me than the evaporating rays of a cavorting summer sun.
I, however, am no longer that pensive lad who found comfort in the dark and cold and deep blue sea. Today, a man in the physical sense, I do not possess that childlike fascination with my former abode. I reside in The City. Luxuries absent during youth abound, satisfying beyond mere need. The sterile vista I gaze upon is that of steel and stone and glass; its combination in regal, imposing edifices commands my admiring view yet scarcely my heart.
Yesterday's child has vanished from all remembrance . . .